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Where are you going? Where have you been?
Where do you want to be?
Where House
Opened in January 2020, the Where House is a facility capable of housing 12 men. The purpose is to give them an environment that is drug and alcohol free where they can continue their road to recovery. Upon completion of our program our goal is to introduce a more confident adult into the community that is capable of maintaining sobriety with the life skills to be successful on their own.

6 Levels of
Our program starts with strict restrictions, which are gradually expanded to allow more freedom of choice and actions. Each resident meets with our social worker on a weekly basis to discuss issues that are on their minds. She helps guide them along the recovery path. They can meet with her more often upon request.

Chores and cleaning responsibilities

No drugs or alcohol

Weekly meetings

Employment is offered to those needing a job. Outside employment is encouraged once they have reached Level 3 and it is felt they can handle the pressures of the workplace.
Transportation is provided for any necessary reason.

Sessions with a
Life Coach


GED classes

Financial Literacy classes

Meetings with a lay minister
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